Epesi Partnership Program

If you are working in IT industry as IT Consultant, Solution Provider or System Integrator, and find that your customers can benefit from using our application, we would like to invite you to our Epesi Partnership Program.

We'd like to cooperate with specialists, who can install Epesi, migrate data, train new users and administrators and provide support for Epesi users in their native language.

As our partner/consultant you will be helping your own customers with installation, configuration like adding new fields to record sets, data migration, training, support, troubleshooting and so on. As a partner you will be supported by our technical support team as well.

Participation in this program is FREE, however to become a partner you or your company need to show proficiency in the following areas:

  • configure HTTP server of choice - Linux, OS X, Windows - with PHP support
  • setup MySQL or PostrgeSQL database
  • experience with .htaccess file or it's equivalent
  • install Epesi
  • perform initial configuration including adding new users, check roles and permissions, configure e-mail accounts
  • setup a clone of the production Epesi instance for training and testing purposes
  • setup an automated backup of Epesi database appropriate for your environment
  • setup a backup of Epesi/data directory or the entire virtual host
  • provide JIT (Just In Time) Training
  • migrate data from other systems - Companies and Contacts
  • general knowledge of all standard modules and its functions
  • maintain an up to date demo of Epesi for training and demonstration purposes

Once you show that the above requirements are met a link to your site will be listed in our Partners Network Directory. We will require at least one page on your web site dedicated to description of Epesi system and your services associated with this application with a link to our site. The page must be easily accessible from the main page of your site.

Partners are not obligated but highly encouraged to participate actively on our Epesi forum. Number of posts and your ranking will be listed in the Partners Network Directory.

Join Community Forum

Epesi partnership program is in its early stages. Other benefits are planned in the future and partners' expectations will, of course, also be taken into account.

Become an Epesi consultant today - it's a great opportunity that will benefit all sides!

Open a ticket to become our Partner

  • Epesi

  • 1260 E. Woodland Avenue, Unit 17a
  • Springfield, PA 19064
  • Pennsylvania, USA
  • IT Consulting

  • Private Cloud

  • Software Development

  • Contact

  • Call +1 (646) 547-1026

  • Open 24 x 7 x 365

  • Email : support@epe.si
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